Best Free Screenshot and Screen Capture Software 2012
If you are using Ubuntu (or another Linux Distro with the same GUI), I have a real treat for you!
Check out Nanoshot, it's probably the most handy screen capturing tool there is.
here are some of it's features:
- Take fullsize screenshots
- Take screenshot of windows, including the active window screenshot
- Take desktop screenshots
- Take screenshots of web pages
- Capture frames from video using Gstreamer and Mplayer
- Upload screenshots to the popular image hosting sites
It is a truly amazing piece of software, that make me wonder how I managed to do without it…
I’ve a WordPress blog with Arras theme. This site strangely shows different on different computers. On some computers, I see all 3 columsn, on other PC, I see only 1. On other PCs, some wiered things. Please somebody help me..
As far as I can see you are using the free WordPress theme NewsSpot from NewWPThemes.