27th Aug2012

Keyboard Language Switcher Ubuntu Systray

by Gyro

I just installed another language to Ubuntu 12.04, and was a bit surprised not to find any icon in the systray (taskbar, top bar, notification area), also there was no shortcut I could find to make it change language.

In case you are trying to change the keyboard layout/language with a keyboard shortcut or setup the systray icon that looks like a keyboard to switch the language in the notificationa rea, then you've come to the right place :)



25th Jul2012

Samsung SCX-3405W Network Printer & Scanner Installation/Configuration on Ubuntu 12.04

by Gyro
Today we got a new printer from Samsung, one reason being that the Installation CD boasted to support Linux. It's actually the first Samsung printer I ever used, so… the "Linux Installation" turned out to be a non-functional Java Applet, which looks like it is supposed to help setup the Printer to connect to the WiFi… needless to say -- it didn't work, at least not until after I had setup and configured the printer, at which point I didn't need to use it anymore.

I configured the wifi settings of the printer using the USB connection, a Windows PC, and the Windows portion of the Installation CD provided with the printer. After it was configured, I disconnected it from the USB, so there is only the power cable now.

Here is the quick and dirty guide on how to install the Samsung SCX-3405W Network Printer (and Scanner) on Ubuntu 12.04, which should also work for older Ubuntu releases, as well as other Debian based distributions.
